Gaby Wijers is founder and director of LIMA. Previously she was coordinator of collection, preservation and related research at the Netherlands Media Art Institute, Amsterdam: she has a background in information management, theater and informatics. She initiated, advised and participated in multiple national and international projects dealing with the documentation, preservation and acces of immaterial and interactive art, specialisation media art and performance. a.o «NACCA», «Transformation Digital Art», «Preservation of Media art Collections in the Netherlands», «Inside Installations», «Inside Movement Knowledge», «Obsolete Equipment», «Digitizing Contemporary Art». Currently she is involved in .«ArtHost», «UNFOLD», «Digitalcanon?!» and «Documenting Digital Art. She participates in national and international networks such as Foundation for the Conservation of Contemporary Art (SBMK), Dutch Digital Heritage Network (NDE), Amsterdam Platform for Innovation (POI) and DINAMO (Distribution Network of Artists’ Moving Image Organizations). Gaby is guestlecturer at Amsterdam University and honorable research fellow at Exeter University