Economythologies ML#X Scrapbook
Scrapbook is never complete. A method of selecting, collecting, overlaying and re-authoring, scrapbooking allows us to intersect our pasts, present and future. Below is a patchwork work of images, text, artefacts and thoughts contributed by the Economythologies ML#X community.
All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace by Richard Brautigan
I like to think (andthe sooner the better!)of a cybernetic meadowwhere mammals and computerslive together in mutuallyprogramming harmonylike pure watertouching clear sky. I like to
Feminist Finance Syllabus
Feminist Finance SyllabusThis Feminist Finance Syllabus is a supplement to the Feminist Finance Zine titled Radical Care: Embracing Feminist Finance. It is a result of the
The White Possessive (extract) by Aileen Moreton-Robinson
The White Possessive (extract) by Aileen Moreton-Robinson Possession: the act or fact of possessing; the state of being possessed; ownership; Law actual holding or occupancy,
The Invisible Hand by Lara Luna Bartley
Send us your sightings of the Invisible Hand. The Invisible Hand is one of (neo)classical economics’ most enduring mythologies. Its magical power is to ensure
Startup States @ Sarai, Delhi, curated by Laura McLean
Presented at Sarai in February 2019, Startup States was a curatorial investigation into the colonial origins of systems of biometric identification, registration, and control in India
Feminist Finance Zine
Radical Care: Embracing Feminist FinanceAmateur Cities and the Institute of Network Cultures present a feminist finance zine titled ‘Radical Care: Embracing Feminist Finance’. It is a cooperative future-thinking
BitListen by Maximillian Laumeister Realtime Bitcoin transaction visualizer. (Formerly ‘Listen To Bitcoin’). Most donations get highlighted: 1istendqWJ1mKvrdRUQZDL2F3tVDDyKdj By Maximillian Laumeister • Contact • Source Code
Money Theory Today
Extract from M. Fourcade & K. Healy, ‘Seeing like a Market’, Socio-Economic Review, 2016, Vol. 0, No. 0, 1–21
String Figures by Ailie Rutherford
This scrap re-publishes text extracts from Ailie Rutherford’s website and The Social Art Library , in both cases with the artist’s permission. String Figures takes
RADMIN Reader 2020
The RADMIN Reader is a short collection of tricks, loops, swerves and contemplation on the administrative, edited by Kate Rich and Angela Piccini. Stapling together
Post Money Utopias @ SUPERMARKT Berlin –
As the global financial crisis proceeds, not only the capitalist system is being questioned, but also money itself.More and more people start to explore alternative
China’s Central Bank – People’s Bank of China is airdropping CBDC to citizenz of Shenzhen
China’s National Digital Currency DCEP / CBDC Overview
Money Talks @ SUPERMARKT Berlin The MONEY TALKS-series presents alternative money systems, community currencies and sustainable cryptos. Our first Money Talk featured Karim Chabrak, founder of Coinsence is non-profit platform
Permaculture Business Plan by Meg J. Walch
When existing foundations collapse, start from the beginning to build stable ones. Permaculture principles drive pilons into shifting sands, (the soft mud of the Venetian
Commonwealth Bank Dollarmites
“Under the guise of education and community service, the Commonwealth Bank has been grooming successive generations of customers for decades. Dishonesty, greed and blatant customer
Money Magick (extracts) by Kate Tomas
Kate Tomas is a spiritual empowerment mentor and psychic, who works with women and non-binary people to enhance the quality of their lives. She completed
by Pandu Sastrowardoyo I’m going to start this article off with a hackneyed, cliched, perhaps trite saying: “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” And then I’m going
The Knowledge We Have Lost in Information by Philip Mirowski & Edward Nik-Khah
A century ago, “information” did not have much cultural resonance as a concept. It was a nondescript word: “An item of training; an instruction.” Yet
VISA – “It’s everywhere you want to be”
VISA credit card commercial, “It’s everywhere you want to be,” circa mid-to-late 1980s. Shared by VintageCommercial
The Thorny Question of Art and Economy
The Thorny Question of Art and Economy was a staged conversation to consider the thorny question of Artists and Business anew. Rather than harnessing ‘creativity’ as a
Labour (extract) by Astrid Lorange
The Labour never finishes — it transforms, orients itself towardsnew objects. In this sense, it also never quite begins, for there wasalways an earlier labour
Digital design and time on device; why aesthetic experience helps us to understand the psychological impact of living in a digital culture
This article from 2019 was part of Vanessa Bartlett’s ongoing research into technological imaginaries of persuasive design. It was originally commissioned by Cognitive Sensations and
Building Decentralised Utopias by Jack Parkin
Harnessing a DIY philosophy, it is no surprise that the advent of cryptocurrencies has become an extension of the bottom-up narrative of re-empowering citizens. They
Into the Liquidityborg by Ellie Rennie
The following is an extract from Ellie Rennie’s lengthier Medium blogpost, which can be found here When systems get too big and powerful, people have
If you would like to suggest an item to include in this scrapbook, please use the form below.