Economythologies ML#X Scrapbook

Scrapbook is never complete. A method of selecting, collecting, overlaying and re-authoring, scrapbooking allows us to intersect our pasts, present and future. Below is a patchwork work of  images, text, artefacts and thoughts contributed by the Economythologies ML#X community.

Feminist Finance Syllabus

Feminist Finance SyllabusThis Feminist Finance Syllabus is a supplement to the Feminist Finance Zine titled Radical Care: Embracing Feminist Finance. It is a result of the

Feminist Finance Zine

Radical Care: Embracing Feminist FinanceAmateur Cities and the Institute of Network Cultures present a feminist finance zine titled ‘Radical Care: Embracing Feminist Finance’. It is a cooperative future-thinking

BitListen by Maximillian Laumeister Realtime Bitcoin transaction visualizer. (Formerly ‘Listen To Bitcoin’). Most donations get highlighted: 1istendqWJ1mKvrdRUQZDL2F3tVDDyKdj By Maximillian Laumeister • Contact • Source Code

Money Theory Today

Extract from M. Fourcade & K. Healy, ‘Seeing like a Market’, Socio-Economic Review, 2016, Vol. 0, No. 0, 1–21

String Figures by Ailie Rutherford

This scrap re-publishes text extracts from Ailie Rutherford’s website and The Social Art Library , in both cases with the artist’s permission. String Figures takes

RADMIN Reader 2020

The RADMIN Reader is a short collection of tricks, loops, swerves and contemplation on the administrative, edited by Kate Rich and Angela Piccini. Stapling together

Money Talks @ SUPERMARKT Berlin The MONEY TALKS-series presents alternative money systems, community currencies and sustainable cryptos. Our first Money Talk featured Karim Chabrak, founder of Coinsence is non-profit platform

Commonwealth Bank Dollarmites

“Under the guise of education and community service, the Commonwealth Bank has been grooming successive generations of customers for decades. Dishonesty, greed and blatant customer

The Thorny Question of Art and Economy

The Thorny Question of Art and Economy was a staged conversation to consider the thorny question of Artists and Business anew. Rather than harnessing ‘creativity’ as a

Labour (extract) by Astrid Lorange

The Labour never finishes — it transforms, orients itself towardsnew objects. In this sense, it also never quite begins, for there wasalways an earlier labour

 If you would like to suggest an item to include in this scrapbook, please use the form below.